Nestled amidst the tranquil waters of Lake St Clair, KVD’s introduces a groundbreaking addition to his tackle arsenal: the Gravel Dog by Strike King. Having played a role in its design, he exudes confidence in its capabilities, emphasizing its versatility beyond a mere rock crankbait.
The creation of the Gravel Dog was rooted in a singular objective: to disrupt the underwater realm with unparalleled efficiency. From dense brush to rocky substrates, sandy bottoms to gravelly terrain, this bait was meticulously engineered to navigate through obstacles, enticing fish with its erratic movements. Yet, it's in the tangled embrace of grass beds where the Gravel Dog truly shines, effortlessly shedding vegetation.
Navigating the shallow flats of Lake St Clair, ranging between 8 to 10 feet in depth, the Gravel Dog proves its grit time and again. Kevin approves this bait's performance, its wide action and robust bill ensuring a secure connection with each catch.
In the realm of angling, equipment is paramount, and the right rod can make all the difference. Opting for his signature series rod, paired with his KVD baitcast reel, this set up allows for precise casts and effortless control.
Join Kevin in unleashing the potential of this formidable bait and elevate your angling adventures to new heights.
“I can't wait for the world to get to know this crankbait. I have been fishing prototype versions of the Gravel Dawg for over a year and I knew right away that it was going to be special!" says Kevin VanDam, MLF Bass ProTour Angler. “It runs true through all types of cover – rock, brush, grass. Nothing stops the Gravel Dawg!”
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